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My Journey to Becoming Smarter: A University Student’s Perspective on Daily Habits for Intellectual Growth

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girl standing on huge newspaper to become a smart student

Before I dive into the daily habits, let me share a brief anecdote about my experience with one of the practices on this list. I started brushing my teeth with my opposite hand, and at first, it felt awkward and clumsy. However, over time, I began to notice a difference in my coordination and ability to focus on tasks.

This seemingly simple habit not only improved my motor skills but also challenged my brain in new ways, ultimately enhancing my overall cognitive abilities.

Here are the 10 things I’ve been doing every day to become smarter and how they’ve helped me on my intellectual journey.

girl standing on huge newspaper to become a smart student

1. Try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand.

By using your non-dominant hand for a familiar task, you force your brain to work harder, creating new neural connections and preventing cognitive decline. This practice has helped me improve my hand-eye coordination and mental agility.

2. Learn at least 5 new words in another language every day.

Switching between languages requires concentration, focus, and self-control. By learning new words daily, you’re taking a step towards becoming a polyglot, which can enhance your cognitive flexibility and problem-solving skills.

3. Turn nouns into verbs.

This linguistic trick makes your speech more concise and memorable. Using verbs heavily in your conversations can create a smart and sophisticated impression, as well as help you develop better communication skills.

4. Lower your screen time to 30 minutes a day.

Reducing smartphone usage can improve cognitive performance. Try deleting unnecessary apps and setting limits on your device to minimize distractions and enhance your focus.

5. Try caffeinated drinks.

Caffeine can boost concentration, mood, and motivation. A cup of coffee or tea can help kick-start your brain and improve mental performance, making it easier to tackle complex tasks and learn new information.

6. Practice music and match pitches.

Studies have shown that musical training can lead to improved verbal intelligence. Even just listening to music can benefit your brain, so try incorporating it into your daily routine to boost cognitive function.

7. Read the headlines of the e-newspaper daily.

You don’t need to read the entire newspaper – skimming the headlines can increase your world knowledge and help you stay informed about current events. This practice can also improve your reading comprehension and analytical skills.

8. Play games like Sudoku and Scrabble.

Engaging in puzzles and word games can stimulate your brain and enhance cognitive function. These activities can increase your vocabulary, improve memory, and sharpen problem-solving abilities.

9. Say things out loud.

Repeating words and phrases audibly can reinforce learning and improve memory retention. This habit can help you internalize new information more effectively and recall it later with ease.

boy sitting on huge newspaper to become a smart student

Don’t forget to embrace the journey

As a university student, I understand the importance of maximizing my intellectual potential. By embracing these practices, I’ve been able to optimize my learning experiences and build a strong foundation for future success. I encourage you to try these habits for yourself and embark on your own journey towards becoming smarter and more successful in all areas of life.

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